Feeds4 announces the release of our newest API endpoint: the deals datafeed. Affiliates that focus on product deals will love our new deal endpoint as it combines curated deal content from over 500 brands with automation that will keep your pages and websites consistently updated with new deal content.

The Deal API

The deal datafeed follows our industry leading, elastic API structure with dynamic responses that can be customized by individual publishers. Once logged into the publisher portal, publishers can choose the content they want to receive in and automate the process of importing deals into their technologies. We have added our deal datafeed documentation (whoa that’s a lot of d’s) to our website. The documentation for all of our datafeed endpoints can be accessed from the API menu item in our navigation menu.

We offer more detailed documentation about all our APIs in the publisher portal.

Datafeed Pricing

We knew you would ask and our bet is you will like our answer. FREEBIE! We offer our deal datafeed as a freemium API. This means the API is free to all publishers but publishers with paid subscriptions will get access to more deals including the deals offered as part of the free plan.

Deals Datafeed Response

API Response – JSON

Here is an example deal datafeed request in JSON:

https://api.feeds4.com/v2/deals/?token={API TOKEN}&response=json

JSON Response: Below you will find an example deal datafeed response from our server.
